You wanna talk about Battlepass? You wanna talk about Battlepass?! Okay- I’ve stumbled onto a major Respawn conspiracy, OP, how about that for Battlepass? This subreddit is being Karma-farmed like a stuck pig, and I got a paper trail to prove it, check this out, take a look at this; those right there are the leaks, now let’s talk about the leaks, can we talk about the leaks OP? I’ve been dying to talk with you about the leaks all day okay?

Octavio Silva, this name keeps coming up over and over again, every day Octavio’s face keeps getting re-uploaded Octavio Silva, Octavio Silva, I look at the front page WELL THIS WHOLE FORUM IS OCTAVIO SILVA- so I say to myself I gotta save up for this guy, I gotta save up my Legend Tokens, I gotta hold out for the god damn Battlepass otherwise I’m never gonna get him and then how am gonna have fun in a game I’ve put almost 200 hours into in only a month?

So I go to Respawn’s official website and what do I find out?

There is no Octavio Silva. The man does not exist. So I decide aaaaah shit buddy I gotta dig a little deeper. There’s no Octavio Silva? You gotta be KIDDING ME I got 20k upvotes on a repost for leaked details of Octavio Silva! Alright, so I start typing up a tweet to Jayfresh Respawn on Twitter and I spam him with alerts and I say JAYFRESH I GOTTA TALK TO YOU ABOUT OCTAVIO and when I open my replies what do I find? There’s not a single god damn reply in my box. There is. No. Word. From. Respawn.

OP, there is no Jayfresh at Respawn. Their office building is like a god damn ghost town.