Political post. Stay away Trump lovers! If you support Trump, you are one of 3 things. You are either racist/homophobic/bigoted in some way, anti-American and you want America to fail, or you’re very ignorant. Donald Trump is racist and homophobic, and if you support him, you’re supporting those things. His handling of this pandemic has been absolutely atrocious, almost 200k Americans have died because he refuses to do his job. He denies climate change, despite the fact that we are seeing evidence of it worldwide, with the ice caps melting, and with the wildfires out west currently, for example. He has 45 allegations of sexual assault/rape, many of which are against underage girls. He was friends with Jeffery Epstein and hung out with him. Biden is by no means perfect, Bernie is much better. But if we want to preverse our democracy, we must vote for/support Joe Biden. Do the right thing in November. If you voted for Trump in 2016, and vote for Biden this year, then that shows you have matured and have become a better, wiser person. Wear a mask, please for the love of all things holy, wear a fucking mask. It is not that hard, just make sure it covers your nose. If you’re planning on going to a party, DON’T. Also, take the covid vaccine when it comes out, please. If people refuse to take it, this pandemic will not end. Vote Biden, wear a mask, if you have boomer parents that are conservative Trump supporters, please try to talk some sense into them. If they don’t listen to you, then just don’t follow in their footsteps. Settle for Biden 2020. BLM! Donald Trump is racist and homophobic, and if you support him, you’re supporting those things. Settle for Biden 2020. BLM! Settle for Biden 2020. BLM! Settle for Biden 2020. BLM! BOIS WE’RE AT #2 CONTROVERSIAL OF TODAY. LETS GO FOR #1 WE DID IT!!! NUMBER FUCKIN 1! LETS GOOO #trumplovers BLM! BLM! BLM!