Mario: We can’t pay our rents anymore Luigi. COVID killed our plumbing business and our landlord won’t give a shit and raised the rent tenfold.
Brooklyn is fucked Luigi.

Luigi: But Mario, I don’t understand. You said we can make it this month, Mario.

Mario: That was a lie Luigi. I borrowed money from John Gotti so we could bring food to the table and cure your mushroom addiction. You’re my brother. But I think it’s time to move on. I’m moving to Mexico. If any of Gotti’s goombas ask, tell them I’m dead.
Goodbye Luigi.

Luigi: But Mario, we have a mansion.
We can stay there Mario.

Mario: No Luigi, that was John Gotti’s mansion. You were high on mushrooms and you shat on his pool.
That was a week ago.

Luigi: Oh no Mario what are we gonna do

Mario: Run for the border, Luigi. But it’s better if we split up. You go north to Nova Scotia or something. I’ll be somewhere in Mexico.
Good luck, brother.

John Gotti: Not so fast you pesky plumbers. It is I, John Gotti you owe me $200000 and a pool.

Mario: Oh no it’s John Gotti
Luigi run

John Gotti: You cannoli longer run
I have my men surrounding your shitty apartment

Luigi: I’m tired of running Mario
Give me my mushroom

Mario: Luigi what are you talking about

Luigi: Mushrooms give me super reflexes Mario.
We are not running away. We’re going to end this here and now

Mario: Shit I guess we have no choices Luigi
I’ll follow you

John Gotti: What are you doing you plumbing pricks

Mario: You can take away our lives but you can’t take away our freedom, John Gotti

Pasta La Vista