Lol you’re so funny GallowBoob! What’s goin’ on man! This is fonbire, like bonfire but switched around a bit!! Uhh… er- sorry! Mr Boob, is a- idk if it’s Mr.Boob I’m not rly sure but I luv ur posts dude! Do you think like… if I ge- if I get a cool comment for u, like maybe a witty reply or like a rly like nice joke… or like maybe I hit u wit da 10/10 meme, like maybe just put it in a post of your own? Do u think u could do that Mr.Boob? Will u lick my butthole Mr. Boob? Will u please… tangle my butthole hairz and make a… boy scout knot! That way I can hang my… my real life- uhhh… th- GallowBoob chibi charm that I keep in- normally in my PC case… but if you tie my butthole hairz, I’ll hang it from my butthole. Do u think u could do that, Mr. Boob?