So about a couple of years ago my identical twin committed suicide, he had a girlfriend and they were in a long distance relationship meaning she wouldn’t know immediately if my twin committed suicide.
When my twin committed suicide my family was devastated so they didn’t have time to tell my girlfriend as they were too busy grieving. I was also grieving but I decided to put on a fake smile and facetimed my Twin’s long distance girlfriend until the funeral. My family thought this was horrible but I thought otherwise because at least I could comfort her until the funeral.

2 days before the funeral I bought my dead Twin’s Girlfriend plane tickets to the city where the funeral was. She took the plane and we talked in person and did stuff that my twin rarely got to do with her. On the day of the funeral I drove her to the funeral and I surprised her with the fact that her real boyfriend is actually dead and has been dead for about 12+ days. She attended the funeral because it was the last time that she would see her dead boyfriend.

TLDR: My identical twin committed suicide and I replaced him in his relationship with his girlfriend.

So reddit, Am I The Asshole?