Logan Paul: Hey Elmo, I’m thinking of posting a video of a dead body in the Japanese suicide forest. What do you think?

Elmo: Oh no, Logan! That’s not a good idea at all.

Logan Paul: Yeah, you’re right. I shouldn’t do that.

Elmo: Good. I’m glad you listened to me, Logan.

But despite Elmo’s advice, Logan Paul goes ahead and posts the video anyway. Elmo is disappointed and hurt by Logan’s betrayal.

Elmo: Logan, why did you do that? I thought we were friends.

Logan Paul: I don’t know, Elmo. I guess I just wanted to get more views and likes.

Elmo: Well, I’m sorry, Logan, but I can’t be friends with someone who would do something so hurtful and insensitive. I’m filing for divorce.

Logan: Divorce? But we’re not even married!

Elmo: It’s a figure of speech, Logan. It means I want to end our friendship.

Logan Paul: Fine. If that’s how you feel, Elmo, then I challenge you to a duel at high noon.

Elmo: A duel? Are you serious?

Logan Paul: Dead serious, Elmo. I’ll meet you at the park at noon.

Elmo: Fine, Logan. I accept your challenge.

As the two prepare for their duel, the Cookie Monster enters the scene.

Cookie Monster: Me want cookies!

Logan Paul: Not now, Cookie Monster. Elmo and I are about to have a duel.

Cookie Monster: Duel? Me love duel! Me duel with Logan and Elmo!

Elmo: No, Cookie Monster. This is a serious matter.

But the Cookie Monster doesn’t listen. He grabs Logan and Elmo and starts eating them.

Cookie Monster: Mmm, cookies!

As the Cookie Monster finishes off Logan and Elmo, he looks up and says, “That’s the way the cookie crumbles!”

The Seinfeld theme plays as Jesse and Walter White from Breaking Bad laugh with the Cookie Monster. Then they start making out.

End scene.