*Smash Mouth completes song*

Harwell: You throw one more piece of shit on fucking stage, I’m going to come find your ass. I’m going to beat your ass. Whoever the fuck you are, okay?

Crowd: Woooo!

Harwell: You want to be a badass? Come up here. C’mon. Walk your bad ass up here. C’mon. Come onstage. Come onstage, badass. C’mon. Come onstage. You bring your ass onstage, whoever’s throwing shit at me. I will tell you right now I will beat the fuck out of you. Okay?

*Rest of Smash Mouth begins playing “All-Star”*

Harwell: You pussy punk bitch, okay? You’re ruining the show for thousands of people right now. Because I’m going to walk offstage, and guess what? You’re paying for it motherfucker, okay?

*Rest of Smash Mouth continues playing the opening chords to “All-Star”*

Harwell: C’mon! Someone throw one more thing at me right now. I’m going to find you, asshole.

*Rest of Smash Mouth playing the opening chords to “All-Star” intensifies*

*Harwell points into crowd, jumps offstage and moves toward the front of the crowd*

Fan: Kick his ass, Seabass!

Harwell: Somebody throw something at me! If you’re a man, throw something at me! If you’re man enough to throw something at me right now, I’m going to walk out there and kick the fucking shit out of you. You’re pussy bitches. You’re a bunch of pussy bitches.

*Harwell is restrained by someone else onstage*

Other Guy In Smash Mouth Attempting To Diffuse The Situation Begins Singing: Somebody once told me the world was going to roll me / I ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed

Crowd Singing In Unison: She was looking kind of dumb with her finger in her thumb / And the shape of an ‘L’ on her forehead

*Crowd and the other guy in Smash Mouth continue singing the first verse of “All-Star,” Harwell joins in during first chorus*