Posts like this remind me of that one scene from Mad Men where that one guy was like “I feel bad for you” and Don replies “I don’t think about you at all.”

That pretty much sums what I think about all of these posts I see about how X people aren’t jealous of America, or America isn’t that great, or Y is better than America.

That’s cool, man. While you’re there educating yourself on how bad or not great you think America is, or read up on the US’s perceived shortcomings so you can mic drop on Reddit, I probably don’t know a single thing that’s going on in your tiny plot of land with the population of some individual cities in the US, because I don’t have to.

Unless you live in Russia or China, no significant part of my life is dependent on the politics of your country, I likely don’t visit any websites frequented by people that are mostly from your country, and anything that might be significant news in your country is probably nothing more than a footnote in mine. But anything significant happening in the US is likely going to be front-page news wherever you are.

If downvoting me makes you feel better, then by all means, but you’d only be downvoting something that you know is genuinely true.

Hate us cause you ain’t us, or simply hate us because you can’t escape us. Whatever.

Who are you again?