So I’m at work it’s about twelve pm today… I get the urge to shit real bad, maybe it was the hot sauce on my eggs this morning, IDK. I race walk on down to the men’s shit house, I arrive finally, push open the door and head for the most private stall in the back because I had a feeling this one was gonna be quite loud. Upon getting to the door of the stall I noticed that the latch was sort of in between locked and open. I didn’t think it would be wise to just open the door because it may well be occupied so I took a couple steps back to look under the stall to see if there were somebody’s shoes in there that would tell me if it was indeed occupied….And given the urgency of the situation, the pressure of my leather belt against my lower abdomen caused me to fart, real loud, at that exact moment. I don’t know if there are words to describe what seemed like an eternity when we both locked eyes with a loud, slow motion fart going off in the back ground was like. Wanting to laugh but afraid it would cause me to shit my pants, I waddled to an open stall and let ‘er rip.