It was 1987 in my original home of Socialist Bulgaria, this incident took place in a small town close to Plovdiv. I was having long time issues with my neighbor, she was giving me a hard time for a while about my dog barking at her or some stupid shit(I think if was stupid).

The neighbor girl was doing this for at least three years, I got tired of it and so did my mother who was very sick at the time and couldn’t deal with the aggression from my neighbor well.

I got very drunk one night and just snapped I guess at the thought of her hurting my mother, I dialed the Committee for State Security on my old home phone. Eventually I was put through to a contact, I said some crazy shit about her I really shouldn’t have. I told them she was planning to smuggle some people out of the country to Turkey leave as well. Hung up, and passed out later that night.

I didn’t even really remember making the call that well when I woke, but a week later my mother told me she was gone. That she had been arrested apparently and her kids sent away….but I couldn’t tell my mom what I did because I thought it might be shameful.

In 1998 I emigrated to Northern Britain(my mother had died) and continue to work here. I don’t know what happened to the neighbor girl, but do you think my guilt is justified? I mean she was practically terrorizing my mother /:

Please leave any responses, thank you for reading.