Even though this is reddit (and r/teenagers (which is obviously made primarily for people who identify as aged between 13 and 19 years (and as a result usually between 8th and 14th grade (in the United States schooling system (as reddit is an American website (and, by extension an English-speaking website (meaning you should be speaking proper English anywhere you go on reddit))))))) there is no excuse to be using “colloquial” or “vernacular” language (you kiddos probably don’t know what that means though so I’ll sum it up with a ‘teen’ term: it means ‘slang’) when you can just as easily take the time (relatively little) and effort (relatively little as well) to write a grammatically proper sentence and not obfuscate meaning for any people who may be unfamiliar with English and coming from other cultures and experiences that may not understand American slang.

Therefore, this is really simply an appeal to humanity, and so we can all forward our understanding of one another rather than being divided by language.

Hope you can take this criticism to heart and be less discriminatory in the future.

Thanks 🙂