1 Yes I have gotten mad at a videog@me before but didn’t feel the need to go out and hurt someone after that, it is similar to getting mad over dropping something, you just pick it back up again and continue with what you were doing. No I haven’t killed ai meant to represent good humans for entertainment before. I have yelled at my screen once or twice but that is similar to hurting your toe on accident, you get mad and hit something while you didn’t mean to. I can agree with you saying not all videog@mes are wholesome, but you should not say that none are. I myself don’t know any gamers that are getting actively violent over videog@mes. 2 I will admit that the people saying that we should kill all anti-g@mers are wrong. I don’t think it is twisting words because a lot of people on this sub say that we should kill all g@mers. If videog@mes were to be banned I think there would just be a kind of “black market” for videog@mes ignoring the rules, so banning videog@mes wouldn’t help a lot either I think. 3 I think the reason why nobody listens to you is because of all of the people that compare g@mers to hitler, and not really linking a lot of articles saying videog@mes cause violence. I will admit that screaming, hitting your desk etc. Videog@mes for me personally are a bit of an escape from life and play in a fictional world where everything is possible, this however doesn’t increase violent behavior in real life because I realize that (for example) robbing a bank in real life is illegal and therefore I am not going to do it. I think the view of g@mers from your side of the argument is that all gamers throw their controllers (and the other things you mentioned), while only a small portion of gamers actually do these things often. I hope you can understand that for most g@mers g@ming is just a way to relax and not a way to get away with murder inside of a videog@me