I have a fat cock but my fur-suit is too small to fit it in so while I’m on my daily walkies (with permission from my master of course) I start to crawl and my cock starts to chafe against the fur. the ball sweat does start to fix the issue after around 5-10 mins of rubbing but by then my cock starts to blister. This has been going on for approx. 2-3 month and its starting to hurt during milky time and I’m afraid that it is starting to lessen my daddy’s enjoyment so I asked him about it and he said that he doesn’t mind. Although I feel I should believe master, he might be lying and he thinks that my fat sweaty blistered mega chub is disgusting. I’m really confused about this all and i would like to start enjoying my daily walk rather than dreading the pathment rubbing against my cock so I would appreciate any advice. Sorry for the inconvenience…