You would only understand if you had an IQ of 185, and then just barely. To truly understand the extremely subtle humor hidden within such material you would actually need an intelligence quotient (expanded form of IQ, if you couldn’t already see 🙄) approaching, if not surpassing, 200. Now this might be hard to grasp, but I have already surpassed this barrier. In fact, I got my first PhD at 9 years old. Sounds like an achievement? It wasn’t that hard, I could have done it even earlier if there wasn’t so much bureaucracy. I spoke 23 languages at 1 years old, i could walk 2 weeks after I was born, and do linear algebra by the time i was just 15 months old. By the time I was three, I had already mastered the most complex facets of calculus, and paved several new mathematical fields on my own. I also started several PhDs. Speaking of which, I PhD in: Quantum Biology, Exo-meteorology, Nutrigenomics, Cryptography, Computational Social Science, Theoretical Astrophysics, experimental Astrophysics, micro-organic marine biology, organic chemistry, analytical chemistry, geology and geoscience, and many more which cannot fit on this list. The point being that only a genius, and I am talking about the threshold of the word, the very upper limit, could understand.