I’m in my final year of school. It’s a small year. Around ninety people who wish to graduate the same year. Among those people, there was one person who was special to me. Even though we didn’t talk much to each other, I could feel something special about her. I knew it was young, immature attraction. I called it a crush, like most people did.

One day, it appeared. A giant, made from stone. On Antarctica. It was a broadcast world-wide. But as soon as it appeared, every news outlet crashed. The rocky giant was gone when the site were online again. No trace. Nothing. Like it never happened. We went on with our normal lives. But not all of us did. Not for long anyway.

One month later, We had classes. My crush and I hadn’t had the same class. we were separated when the school was invaded. Shady and shifty guys with guns and there faces covered with masks. At first, we thought it was it was a terrorist attack. However, soon we realized there was more going on. The invaders took one person from each class and gathered them in the basement of the school. Over the intercom, we heard who was taken. And I listened well to the names. Hoping no one I knew was taken. One girl was. It was her. The girl from the other class who I gave my attraction too. Without thinking, I left the classroom and swiftly made my way to the basement. I felt like a hero. No plan. No knowledge about the situation. Just plain, dumb instinct.

Reaching the basement, I was confronted by what looked like a sect. All the students were lined up before a table. On the table, there was a box with needles and tubes, containing a dim, yellow fluid. Of course, my entree went noticed and I was captured. Forced on my knees. hand in the air and a gun pressed against my skull.

One by one, the students were injected with the yellow stuff. one by one, they had a seizure and died. My crush was the last one of the row. When they got to her, my voice took over:

“No! Take me. Leave her alone and take me.” I said with tears streaming from my face.

There was only one tube left. They had to choice. Like I wished, they choose me to inject it in. I was ready to die. I looked over to my crush, wishing that she was the last thing I see before my death. The needle invaded my skin and the cold fluid spread across my body. My muscles tensed as I awaited death.

But death never came. only pain. Mostly headache. I screamed it all out and banged my fist on the floor. Headache suddenly disappeared. all the invaders and my crush for that matter looked at me in awe. I can’t remember what the invaders said, but they sounded happy. Like I was good for them. I was someone they wanted from this action.

Only I wasn’t. I killed them all. Instinct took me over and I knew what I was capable over. Control over magnetic fields. It was as if it was wired in my brain. It felt so natural. I threw everything that could be affected by magnetism around the basement. Hitting their head, even decapitated some. Eventually I stopped. Silence filled the room. I looked over to my crush. She wasn’t even in shock.

She understood what happened. She understood what I was. All i could matter was a “what am I?” before all lights went out.