Our story starts with King Bach and his friend, we only know that we’re in a kitchen of some house, yet we don’t know which exactly, the exact location in which this story is being presented is not said, yet we will discover very soon, King Bach asks his friend for a sugary food known as “Ice Cream”, it is one of the most famous desserts. He says “Yo can I get some cream?” the “Yo” is a popularly used term for comrade or pal, so we already know it’s his friend’s house because if it was his, he wouldn’t need to ask. After King Bach’s friend receives the announcement that he wants the dessert known as “Ice cream” he responds with “Only a spoonful!”, this is because spoons are very small in size, which means that King Bach can’t get mad, since he is getting some ice cream, yet he wants more of this sugary dessert, his expression turns into an evil smirk, and he reveals a giant spoon, the joke is that the spoon is so big it can hold the entire ice cream container in it, allowing him to get much of this dessert as he desires. And we can’t forget the spoon is too large to conceal, and we see that he is actually taking the spoon from his back, which is a reference of how silly his friend is, since if he noticed, he would’ve seen the spoon and solved this problem. And even with that, why would you prepare so much things to ask for a simple sugary dessert? his goals are obiously beyond our understading, and the giant spoon is also a reference to sugar addict kids, that consume too much sugars. After this, he turns his back to look at the fridge, to colect his sugary dessert, and we don’t get to see his friend, but we can assume he is shocked because now his sugary dessert is gone, and he can’t complain, since that giant spoon is technically a spoon too, the video ends there, Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.