Oh my fucking God. If you want a lesson in hivemind sociology, don’t go to fanrun subreddits, don’t go study Nazi-Germany or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Study the fucking anti-pineapple on pizza movement. So many people write off and trash talk pineapple on pizza because it’s the cool and hip thing to do, never actually giving pineapple on pizza a go and making up their own minds on whether they like it or not. Worst case, you don’t like it so you pick it off. Pineapple is great in that all that you’re left with on the pizza after taking off the pineapple is a spot that slightly sweeter than the others. Compare that to obnoxiously spice sausage or oily fish (like anchovies) which stains a far greater area even if you don’t like it and decide to pick it off. Honestly, it’s OK to not like pineapple on pizza. Going “lmao people who put pineapple on pizza are the worst x) ” is you confirming to everyone that had you lived in the appropriate age, you’d happily burn innocent women as witches, gas an entire ethnic minority or be part of a massive religious cult involving the brainwashing of children.


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