This needs to stop.

Posts like this, we, rightly, look at and laugh.

We know why this is funny, and so we, rightly, upvote it so that others can see how funny it is.

That should be the end of it, but -wait- we’re not the only people who see this. People who are in the know aren’t the only people who interpret this.

How long did you use Reddit before you knew that the post matters, but the subreddit it was posted in, also matters.

I admit, it took me a while to figure it out. I’ve been here, in this community, for a while now, and I’ve upvoted posts like this ever since I became one of the people that could truly understand the in-and-outs of Reddit.

But somethings changed.

Fake news, specifically from websites that are meant to simulate on-line communities AHEMfacebookAHEM, ALSO have people that are uninformed, unintiated, new-to-the-community users.

When an anti-vaxxer sees this post, they don’t care about the comments section, they don’t look at the subreddit it was posted in for that beautiful sense of irony, they just see the picture.

And that picture tells them what they already know, what they already agree with, and it’s currently one of the TOP POSTS ON THE MOST HEAVILY TRAFFICKED WEBSITE IN THE WORLD.

We need to, collectively, put a stop to posts like this. We all know that this is a community, and that we all have a say about what’s on the front page of r/all, let’s clean it up, so that posts that can be easily misinterpreted by the uninformed aren’t so publicly displayed.

I would suggest that we limit ‘ironic’ subreddits from reaching the front page, but I’ve put approximately ~12 seconds into that idea. I’m sure someone else can think of something better.

Anyway, just my two cents.

EDIT: Since I began posting this comment, I’ve received angry anti-vaxxers messages, so I assume it’s working, and very much needed.