1. Get a coconut
2. Remove the skin
3. Get a spoon
4. Rub it up and down the length of the coconut until the inside of it looks like a volcano
5. Cut it open with a knife
6. Get a glass
7. Hold the coconut in place with your fingers so you don’t shake the sand all over your kitchen
8. Squirt a little bit of milk into the hole
9. Get some hot water
10. Pour the hot water on the inside of the coconut
11. Get some chocolate
12. Pour a little bit of chocolate into the hole
13. Put some whipped cream in the hole
14. Put it on a plate
15. Eat a spoonful of chocolate, and another spoonful of whipped cream
16. Do you remember that song about that guy? That guy’s name was Richard.
17. He had sex with a coconut on his birthday.