
Reality bent around Thanos as he safely transported himself away from the scene. He had finally done it, the universe was finally perfectly balanced. He was suddenly standing on top of a grassy hill, pink flamingos scattered about in the grass, with a peaceful hut sitting on top. A beautiful sunset stretched across the sky with a brilliant array of scarlet and violet. The cool summer breeze hit thanos a wave of cool air as he sat down to face the beautiful sky in front of him.

Thanos breathed in slowly, he has finally completed his life’s work. Barely. He chuckled looking down at the gash across his body where Thor had nearly stopped his reign. He had been too cocky toying with the Avengers like that. It almost cost him a life’s worth of work and suffering too. At least now he can enjoy this one moment of triumph to himself.

Thanos stared off into the sunset as he recollected his hardships that brought him to victory. Everyone had called him crazy but here he was, and what had it cost him? His eyes teared up as he remembered his daughter. He closed his eyes, trying to fight the sadness that was welled up within him. No, he had done what he need to do. Still, why did it hurt so much?

“Oh Gamora, it cost me everything.”

Thanos opened his eyes, the beauty to the sunset reminded him of her. The one thing in this life he had truly loved. He let the tears fall as he sat still for a while, staring.

“Not everything, Father.”

Thanos suddenly stood up, looking around. The voice… he knew it! He turned around looking for the source of the strange voice but could only see rolling hills of grass as far as his eyes could see. He was alone. Confused, he turned back toward the sunset. However, he was met by a small girl, no older than 5 standing in front of him. The little girl has lime green skin, wide, innocent eyes, and long scarlet hair made into a cute braid.

The sight caused Thanos to stop in his tracks. His heart skipped a beat. He was staring into the eyes of his daughter. The one he had killed. The only thing he had loved, which he sacrificed to gain ultimate power over the universe. Thanos fell to his knees in front of the child, his face full of pain and wonder.

Gamer looked at Thanos with sad eyes, looking lovingly at the man in front of her.

“You didn’t sacrifice everything, Father,” she said again.

“I’m sorry little one, I gave everything I had.”

Gamora smiled slightly, “Almost.”

With that last word her image shimmered and disappeared into the background of scarlet and violet as the sunset continued.
Thanos just stared at where she had been, still confused as to what she meant.

A sudden change in the atmosphere sent chills down Thanos’s spine as something in the universe shifted. Feeling this shift, Thanos began to worry about what was happening. Suddenly, his body tightened up, his skin suddenly moving and shifting, covering up and healing all of his wounds and scars. All of His body hair fell out while his skin smoothed as well, leaving behind strange, foreign feelings all over his body. However, these odd sensations didn’t frighten Thanos. For some reason he smiled slightly, knowing this was how the universe willed it. Now after taking from the universe, it was taking back the one thing he had left.

Thanos’s whole body began to crack and groan as renovations began to occur all over. His body’s bones began to grind into each other, popping out of place and back, changing positions at the universe’s will to complete Thanos’s payment. His fingers began crack and dwindle in size. He began to realize that his whole body was coming in on itself and losing its original stature. His renovating bones shrinking his frame and making him shorter by at least two feet.

Thanos’s muscles now began to drain away from his arms. He felt much of his strength being syphoned away by this strange force. His arms shrank to be much thinner and smoothed out as his hands cracked to fit the new feminine look. The infinity gauntlet slipped off of Thanos’s hand as his fingers elongated and thinned down. He held them up as his fingernails grew slightly. He felt his new biceps, rubbing his new soft skin, surprised at the amount of strength he had lost but also at how soft his skin was to touch. Thanos’s awe was interrupted as his arms cracked a bit and shrank as his shoulders threw themselves forward, making him grunt in pain.

Thanos’s pecs suddenly began to soften, fat tenderizing the muscles he once held. Under his armor he could feel fat rush behind them as he lost his breath. Thanos leaned back and breathed heavily as weight rushed up his chest. His panting growing higher in pitch with every breath as his neck slimmed down as well. The growing mounds began to press up against his armor making Thanos extremely uncomfortable as they continued to grow. Luckily, due to his change in size, his armor hung very loosely providing just enough room to not become unbearable. He breathed heavily when they were done, looking down in amazement as to what was happening. He had just grow breasts.

Thanos’s back then began to shift and bend inward throwing his abdomen outwards more and creating a feminine arch. He put his hand on his waist as it began to bend and groan, organs and bones shifting and colliding in the process. As he grunted in pain, it shrunk down immensely leaving his armor hanging halfway off of his body. After his waist has shrunk immensely, leaving a very toned and smooth stomach, his hips began to push outwards. With a tremendous crack, and an alien groan from Thanos, his hips cracked and grew exponentially. His insides immediately began to mix inside of him, creating a womb to fit his new assets.

Thanos’s legs then also lost most of their mass and muscle, becoming long and slender. His feet cracked as they shrunk many sizes to fit his now womanly legs. His thighs and butt filled out with any access fat, giving him a very curvaceous body.

The final stages of the transformation began to make their way towards Thanos’s last remaining piece of masculinity. He had known it was only a matter of time, but he was unprepared. His member began to turn in on itself, even Thanos couldn’t keep from flinching at the feeling. It wasn’t the worst pain he had ever felt, but it was far from easy to endure. His new womanly voice sounding foreign as he groaned at the terrible wracking pain. His member slowly creeped back into his body as it formed a newly formed womanhood, leaving Thanos completely female. She gasped at the lack of feeling between her legs, gripping at the inside of her thighs confirm the unbelievable.

At last Thanos’s face began to remold itself anew. Her chin shrunk exponentially, as it became smooth and flawless. Her features smoothed out as her skull shifted and reconstructed. Her cheekbones raised and her nose shrunk. Her eyes grew wide and eyebrows elongated, becoming extremely beautiful. Her lips plumped and her features became very striking and attractive, almost unrecognisable from her original self.  At last a blanket of fiery-red hair exploded from her scalp and began tying itself into a very neat braid. Thanos reached up to touch her new hair, still almost paralyzed with awe. She could not believe how soft her new body felt, she had never felt this way before.

Thanos’s hair finally finished styling itself, when her whole being vegans to shine brilliantly. This light enveloped her clothes as well as her body and began to change them even further. First her skin began to lighten as it when from purple to a lovely white. The light engraved many marking into her skin that further enhanced her beauty while also hardening the skin on her shoulders, leaving it scaly and blue, but still fitting to her ascetic. Finally, Thanos’s clothes bent and stretched, growing into long silken clothes which wrapped themselves around the newly made woman. Along with her new clothes Thanos also received many pieces of jewelry that attached themselves to many different areas of her body, finishing the transformation.

Breathless and stunned, Thanos fell forward, only stopping herself from hitting the ground with one hand as she began feeling around her new body with the other. She felt exposed, delicate, a new sensation that she was admittedly frightened by. Her new silken robes barely covered her new body and the jewelry she now had on bounced around uncomfortably as she squirmed.

She spent many minutes breathing heavily as the transformation took its toll on her energy. When she felt she had the strength, she finally stood shakily to her feet. She looked down at herself blushing, she should have seen this coming! It was only fitting that the infinity stones get the last laugh, making her give up everything she had owned, right after she had completed her goal. She doubted the infinity gauntlet could even be lifted in this new body of hers. She felt useless, alone, and stranded as the sun finally set over the horizon.

Thanos looked down at where she had dropped the gauntlet and realized that it had shattered in its weakened state. All of her work and sacrifices for nothing. Furious, she began to pick up the shattered remains of the gauntlet in a desperate attempt to regain her power when she noticed that the stones were no longer connected to the glove or on the ground around her. Upon further investigation she found them circling her hand. She had been oblivious to this factor in her shocked state.

Shakily, Thanos raised her hand and willed the universe to open a gateway to Earth. A rift opened up in front of her and she giggled happily. She took her hand and raised it in front of her, finally understanding. She had made the ultimate sacrifice for ultimate power. Time to see how the universe reacted to the new holder of the stones, Athenos.