YOU went out and got the experimental “vaccine” despite your extremely low risk of dying from Covid. So, when Winter comes and the predicted shit-storm of side effects and deaths that have only been whispered about on the CovidVaccinated subreddit up until now starts trending on Twitter DO NOT fucking blame us for your dumbass decision. Don’t come crying to me if you’re firing blanks in five years time or when your trackmarked arm’s gone gangrenous from all the yearly booster shots. You can’t shit the bed and demand I clean it up.

You only see us all as potential petri dishes of vaccine-circumventing variants. You literally don’t even see us as human beings anymore. That is how fucking far gone you are. You are a bigot and supremacist. Don’t argue – you value the life of someone who’s been vaccinated over someone who hasn’t. It’s as simple as that. You hate us because we’re not weak like you and our resolve shines a light on your cowardice and spinelessness.

By the way, if you thought “Covid” was scary… FUCKING BRACE YOURSELF. If people start to die en masse from this shit and you fucking KNOW it’s swimming around inside you, you’ll start wondering if and when you’ll be next, fully aware that your days are numbered. That’s far more fucking terrifying than the pussy meme virus. I sincerly hope I’m wrong. I hope I’m overreacting. Unlike you, I don’t want to see people die. I don’t wish it on others and I don’t send death threats.

You made a choice, probably the most important one you’ll ever make (at least that’s how you see it), and you did it for a free doughnut and internet clout. You did it without thinking or conducting your own research. You did it without batting an eyelid. You are fucking brainwashed and if you expect me to extend you sympathy or help when you offered me neither for over a year you can kindly go fuck yourself.