xor, do walkers and joggers at Paso Nogal not litter? Most disc golfers pick up litter. Even if it isn’t their own litter, they pick it up in the same way a person picks up litter after another jogger or walker. Actually, disc golfers care more about the area around them than most park visitors as they spend the most time in that park.

And as for the steepness of the hills and difficulty of the layout of Paso Nogal — that’s not a reason to not put a disc golf course in a park. The sport of disc golf is meant to encourage fun for all and a challenging environment for some (who would want it). Walden Park is a park for those who don’t want much of a challenge while Paso Nogal would be an intermediate to difficult course.

There’s no evidence to show that the world around us is dying because disc golfers stepped on some leaves and moved some brush. There’s plenty of more things harmful to the environment than disc golf players.