murdering my friend’s entire family prank (GONE WRONG) (HE GOT MAD) (things got heated) (not clickbait) (watch til the end) (I didn’t expect this) (2 people killed) (massive fight) (cops called) (I got shot) (almost died) (gone sexual) (almost got arrested) (sus) (got sexual with the cops) (gone full on rape) (the cops got sexual with my friend’s mom) (getting sexual with the dog) (100% NOT CLICKBAIT) (FBI showed up) (got sexual with the FBI) (cops got sexual with the FBI) (also be sure to smash that submissive and breedable subscribe button or I will be in your bed tonight) (be sure to get sexual with the like button (like I did with the cops)) (turn on that notification bell) (check out my fire merch) (this FIRE prank is also sponsored by blue chew) (I took 749 blue chews before this prank) (the entire US military is at my door so I need to publish the video now)