Funny story, I remember back in 7th grade in 1974 this dorky fat kid, Jimmy, offered me a Hostess honey bun during lunch. I opened it, and took a bite. It was stale. Now usually, being the biggest jock in the school I would ve pummeled his head into the table right then and there, but this time I decided to use my wits rather then my brawn. I used my science kit at home and filled up a syringe with my dad’s garden pesticide, I took another Hostess honey bun, made a tiny hole in the packaging, and injected the pesticide into it. I then used a lighter for a split second to melt the hole closed. Next day, I gave him my honey bun in the cafeteria. About an hour later, he had a seizure in the middle of class LMFAO. He was jerking all over the floor like a fish out of water. Turns out it was a carbamate pesticide, which causes nervous system damage. He had to be sent to the hospital and he was in a coma for a few weeks. He missed the entire school year lol. I didn’t see him much after that because he fell a few grades behind me, but he had lasting neurological problems after that. It was p funny lol.