A few years ago 📈📈📈I was in the 🚿🚿, giving the old body💪🦶🦵 a scrub😏😏 and I felt that oh so familiar sensation😣 of a nasty fart🍑🍑🍑 brewing in my bowels🙄🙄. So I proceeded to let it rip 🤣and it felt pretty good😆😆😆😆. I did have that feeling🤔🤔 that it was close 🥵🥵to… not… 🤬being a fart🍑 there for a second ‼️but it was all good✅✅☺️☺️☺️. I kept showering🚿🚿 and I started to feel it again🙄🙄🙄. I knew I’d cut it a little close the first time but I figured💡💡 if it was just a fart🍑🍑 last time I should be one this time😈😈😈. Immediately 🤯after I started to let it go, I knew 💡💡I’d made a mistake🥴😫😫. The feeling hot diarrhea 💩🤢🤮pouring down your bare leg 🚽🦵🦵isn’t something you forget💡. I screamed🥱🥱 in panic👿 and tried to shut off the geyser 💧💦💦that I’d unleashed ☔️☔️to no avail and I had to miserably😩😩 let my body 🦵👍👎💪do its thing until I could get control👤👤 back and shut down😮 the flow💦💦💦. Luckily it was almost all liquid 💧💧and it flowed 🤢🤢🤢down the drain and away👍👍👍. I scrubbed🚿🧼🧼🧼 every inch of myself with probably too much soap 🧼🧼and scrubbed the entire shower🚿🚿🚿 from top to bottom and I’ve never really told anyone 😎😎😎about it because I’m afraid😣 they’ll look at me differently🤔🤔🤔.