HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! I🙋🙋🙋 have to say,🗣🗣 you sir,👨👨👨 are quite humorous! I🙋 came to this⬆⬆⬆ comment🗨️ section not excpecting to get🉐 a laugh😄😄 better than the one1️⃣ I🙋🙋 got from the original post, but you’ve done it! You absolute mad😠 genius! For all the people👫👫👫 with less➖➖ than 140 IQ (I’ve🙋🙋 taken a test⌛ online, mine was along the lines of 230), the fine gentleman🎩 I’m responding to mentioned the song ‘Sweet🍯🍯🍯 Home👪👪 Alabama’ by the Rock🧗‍♀️🧗‍♀️🧗‍♀️ band Lynyrd Skynyrd. This⬆ is a reference to the high🆙 incest rate of the state. Oftentimes me and the boys👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦👦 at our ‘Genius Club’ should I🙋🙋 say🗣 (we meet every Tuesday after school🎓 to talk🗣🗣🗣 about intellectual topics such as physics,⚛ philosophy and the development of AI🇦🇮 (that’s Artificial Intelligence for you dumbasses)) crack jokes at the expense of Alabama with its high🆙🆙🆙 incestuality, but I🙋🙋 don’t expect peasants like😄😄😄 you to have the subtle sense of humor we have. Again, my kind friend,🐶🐶 I’ll🤢🤢🤢 have to congratulate you on🔛 coming up☝ with such an amazing piece of humor and delivering it in such a subtle manner. If they awarded people👫👫 with actual life💓 skills like😄😄😄 you with humor and me with my deep understanding of quantum physics⚛ (I’m even self-taught) instead of those jocks at school🎓🎓🎓 that do nothing🔳🔳 with their lifes but play🎽 sports👟 maybe we’d live in a society that wasn’t so fucked🖕🍆🍑🖕🍆🍑🖕🍆🍑 up.☝☝ But most people👫👫👫 don’t understand smart🧠🧠 guys like😄 us, and we just have to put up☝☝ with living alongside complete braindead morons every day. I🙋 quote the great🇬🇧 Adolph Hitler: “I🙋🙋🙋 use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few.” These words🆔🆔 of that quite excellent man👦👦👦 convey my emotions so well in this⬆⬆⬆ time⌚⌚ and place,🏆🏆🏆 that I🙋🙋🙋 ought to get🉐 philosophical myself. “If the unintelligent masses rule over the intelligent🧠🧠 few, what😅 purpose is there to exist?” (Don’t quote me on🔛 that lol🤣 I🙋🙋🙋 just think🤔🤔🤔 about stuff like😄😄 this⬆ quite often.) The situation we are at reminds me too well about the novel ‘1984’ written by George Orwell. In the novel language🌎 is being heavily moderated in the same manner many people👫 responding to you here👈👈👈👈👈👈 are trying to censor your👉👉 innocent,😇 albeit a bit dark🔦🔦 joke. But I🙋 will forgive them, they will all be forgiven by death💀💀 at the end.🔚🔚 To quote Jesus✝️ on🔛 this:⬆ “Father,👨 forgive them, for they do not know🤔🤔🤔 what😅😅 they are doing.” (Don’t worry I’m not a religitard, I🙋 was just bored😒 in religion⛪⛪ class and decided to browse the Bible and found this⬆⬆ pretty cool😎😎 quote.) But hey👋👋👋 you seem like😄 a really rad friend,🐶 maybe you’d like😄 to join🈴 our club for intellectual persons? If you don’t live in Houston you can attend via Skype, just add me. My Skype name📛📛 is adam.goldberg. One1️⃣1️⃣ of our members is a communist so we can’t🙅 talk🗣🗣 about how🤔🤔 (((Jews))) rule the world🌎🌎 but he’s moving📦📦 to LA next⏭⏭⏭ fall🍁🍁 so until then. But, after all these pleasantries, I🙋🙋🙋 have to thank🙏🙏🙏 you one1️⃣1️⃣1️⃣ more➕ time,⌚⌚ for making me laugh😄 and for bringing me one1️⃣ step back⬅️⬅️⬅️ from the brink of suicide!