Hello Warner Bros,

 I recently acquired your Windows Media Media Player Visualization, for my dearly beloved movie, The Grind (2003 by Casey La Scala). You can find the same product listed on microsoft’s website.


 After setting it up, I was met by flashing pictures of the fantastic cast, and a spiraling set of lights. However I noticed that there was an interactable sign, with “The Grid” and it’s stunning logo. When I clicked on the first link provided on the sign, slightly covered by the flashing images, it should have brought me to the grid’s website. However much to my dismay, the link was broken, and lead to a 404 page on the Warner Bro’s website. This did not deter me from clicking the second link, which promised a 3D immersive game, where I hoped to interact with Eric Rivers, Matt Jensen, and the rest of the grind crew. However I was deeply disappointed with my assumptions, as the site provided ([http://ww5.grindcrashcourse.com/](http://ww5.grindcrashcourse.com/)) which did not contain any of these, rather links to Nursing Schools, and Intensive Driving Courses.

 The problem I’m getting to is that this domain was unregistered, and anyone could buy it! This leads to a huge security risk for unsuspecting fans that install this visualization, as it could link to a phishing site, or worse! I know that Warner Bros deeply cares about it’s audience, I and expect a swift resolution to this crisis, thank you for your time.