I don’t understand why people don’t listen to jazz. Today’s music is trash. You actually listen to that crap? I was a 4 year all-stater and honestly, you are not a real musician if you can’t play Autumn Leaves in F# in 13/8 or if you don’t know what a B#m7b5#11&@£ is. Sure, there can be some gatekeeping in jazz, but that’s just the old cats vibing you. In reality we are a friendly bunch. We have the best jokes (the lick lmaoo), the funniest youtube personalities (adam neeley lmaoo), and the best fashion sense (it’s called a trilby by the way). If you want to get started with jazz, check out Snarky Puppy, they are an okay band even though they are very overrated. Or just watch Jacob Collier interviews.