Hey Ian, do you wanna hang out sometime? I think it would be dope if we could hang out in the near future. I’ve always wanted to meet you in person cause you seem like a pretty chill dude. I could even drive to where you live and stay in a hotel for a week! But yeah man – if you agree to it – I was thinking I could come over on December 15th and we could go see Star Wars: Episode VIII on opening night… However, I know you’re probably a busy person since you need to make videos consistently and it takes a lot of time to record and edit, so I don’t want you to think I’m rude for just inviting myself over. If December 15th doesn’t work for you we can just work around YOUR schedule. It doesn’t matter to me! I just think it would be fun if we could go do something entertaining and not be bored, that’s why I thought of going to see Star Wars 8. Maybe you could invite Ethan and all your other Youtuber friends as well (depending on if they wanna go or not)… After the movie is over we should all go out to eat at either Buffalo Wild Wings, Texas Roadhouse, Denny’s, or Steak n’ Shake. AND I WILL PAY FOR ALL OF YOU, IT’S MY TREAT. Don’t think that just because you and Ethan are rich I’m going to let you pay for yourselves, oh no. I think I should be the one to pay for all your food since this whole thing was my idea, hahahah! Anyway, even though I wanna stay in a hotel for a week doesn’t mean we have to hang out EVERY SINGLE DAY for an entire week. Just 2 days would be fine. Even 1 day would be fine! Like I said before, I know you’re busy so I don’t wanna keep you away from your work. 🙂 Although, it would be awesome if I could come over to your house and watch you record a video and see how it’s all done – kinda like a behind the scenes sort of thing. Also if you want, we could do some exciting stuff on some other days like maybe go play paintball or laser tag or what have you. Paintball is really fun with a lot of friends. So if it was me, you, Max, Filthy Frank, Ethan, and Chad, we could do a 3v3 battle! That’s also not a bad idea for a video. 😉 So yeah dude! Hit me up in my inbox and let me know what you think. If we have a good time maybe you can come visit ME next year in Indiana! That would be siiick!