Ok, so this is something that I have told over a 100 times on many servers. But I digress, as a child and young teen I had the ability to physically see mythical creatures. Be it alicorn, Pegasus, unicorn, or dragon. Some of these creatures I became very close to. But one creature I was very close to, this picture is gonna throw a lot of mixed signals but trust me I physically saw him and he was able to communicate with me. When I was 10-11 this dragon physically appeared to me out of no where, and we basically soulbonded instantly, I will spare the details. Long story short the government somehow got wind of his existence and sent “men in black suits” to where we were and took him away from me. And for 6 years I went into this state that all my experiences as a child where all a dream until I found someone on discord that I have been working with who has his soulshard, so we’re trying to reconnect and possibly help him shift back into a dragon physically.

If you don’t believe me please don’t bother me, I’ve had enough neigh sayers on this topic