I send this to you Little Furry. Not Noah, not your bad half, the small part of you. I only want her to read this. You know when I first met you my goal wasn’t a relationship, in fact, far from it. I saw someone who needed help. Someone who I could help. If you had such a bad life and I had a good one, why shouldn’t I try and help her? I have the support and the tools to help this person. As time went on we got closer and became closer than friends. I don’t know what we were but friends wasn’t the word. We spend so much time together and everyday I tried my best to be there for you. I knew there was a lot of dark in you. But I saw a small simmer of good. I wanted to nurture and protect that part. That small part of you that truly didn’t want to live like this. That small part was an amazing and beautiful person. That’s the part I truly gave myself to. I sacrificed so much trying to save her. I figured the moment wasn’t as important as the future. If I had to take a bullet for you, I would. There was a good person inside you. No matter how deep it was. I wanted to believe that I could bring out that person. That this person would become the real you. It would become all of you. But I was naïve. I let so many things slide because of this. I let you yell at me. I let you belittle me. I let you ignore me. I let you hate me. I let you abuse me. Even with my heart open, you kept stepping on me. Now you rarely talk to me and truly despise getting messages from me. Saying things like, you’re too clingy. Be honest, is it really too clingy for a man you told for half a year you loved to ask “What went wrong?” “I miss you.” “Are you okay?”. You told me nothing and I had to just bite my teeth and give you distance. Even when I didn’t know if you were okay. Even when you left me completely in the dark. Even when you always convinced me it was my fault. And whenever you did message me, it felt like a chore you had to do. You got upset that I tried to get away from you for a day and a half. Not because I hated you but because I cared. I thought, if this can make someone I love happy, then I’ll take the bullet. I’m not an idiot, I was just blinded. However I’m not blind anymore. I see how foolish I’ve been. Just hanging out with a “friend” huh? Our relationship had hit a small bump, but it was easier to just move to another person then fix what we had. Chromfell, or as you called him on the thoughts server, Max. Again, I’m not stupid but I’m not here to flame you. From this point forward, you and I are done. But it wasn’t all bad. I hope that small part of goodness in your soul is still there. That small part is what I call Little Furry. That small part is the woman I love. The woman I gave my heart to after months of telling me you love me. I don’t know how much of our relationship was fake. But I know there was good. There is a part of you that wants to hurt me, that wants the worst. But through and through. I just want this to be with you Little Furry. And hey, I don’t regret loving that small innocent part of you. That part that just wanted peace and happiness. That part that accepted me. I gave a piece of my heart to her. And I would do it all over again, for her. Goodbye, my sweet Little Furry.