stfu you get no bitches, i’d even say negative bitches in that manner. You looking like the nerd emoji sprang to life, and decided to get the WORST personality outta all of them. Addicted to stumble, has no clothes and looks like my ass at 3am. You should honestly be gratefull that we’re even considering being in the radius of ur goofy ass. You think ur quirky, saying L bozo like you aren’t the dictionary meaning of a bozo. You should honestly be ashamed of your ugly ass trying to downgrade to perfectly fine people. I bet you fap to frickin stumble guys r34. If there is any word i feel rn, it’s ur ugly. “But that’s a sentence, not a word” 🤓 stfu discord mod. I bet you be talkin a hella lot a smack but say that shit to my face. Any chance of you having a relationship is so low, you invented a new negative number. If a cannibal sees ya, it’ll jump of off a cliff rather than look at you for anymore time. So stfu you “stumbleler”