Why is everyone running in defense of Christmas music? I fucking hate Christmas music. I’ve heard this song more times than there are atoms in the sun. I’ve heard every Christmas song more times than should be physically possible in these dimensions. I am Christmas music, and Christmas music is me, and we’ve fused in some weird way. I cough Jingle Bells, I bleed Frosty, I shit Dashing Through The Snow. All I can see is red and green. All of this music has been played to shit and oblivion ten times over every fucking year since first there was bullshit to sell in the early days of yore. I will not miss this song. In fact, I’m going to start telling people that Rudolph the Red Nose Raindeer is about eating someone out on their period and get it banned too. Fuck Christmas music. If they were playing Metallica like this no one would doubt for a minute that it was some kind of social experiment to see how long it takes us to break, and Metallica is in the fucking Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and probably has a bigger repertoire to draw from than what gets played.