When anime died. Apart of me died along with it. It’s not the same anymore. Why did you all push me away from the only thing I loved? I was never made to feel more alone, alienated and isolated than the own thing I liked the most. It was the only thing I had. Why did you all do this to me? Why did every single one of you ruin the only thing I had left. I thought I had something that would allow me to connect with others, but over the years, no one reall cared in the long run. This may of been the only thing that brought joy in my world. I hope all of you are happy. I feel as I am going to lose my mind completely. I’m going to end up like a video I saw of a guy who just walked along the railroad tracks and stabbed himself while police shot at him like he wasn’t even human. Yet, what I went through was something much simple, so small, but it affected me so greatly. Maybe cause everyone I meet looks down on me, rejects me, fucks with me and all tell me I’m going to die alone, no matter what I try to fix change or do. I feel like a victim, a victim who can’t be a victim. All I want to do is kill myself. I feel like I could snap and I would never stop or go back to normal, I would attack everyone around me and never stop screaming until I die, and if I’m lucky, maybe I’ll be locked up, restrained and live in a mental place for the rest of my life. I’m so angry, upset, miserable, no girl loves, wants or has anything to do with me, for years. I get it, I don’t have a job, real life, anything, all I got is a computer and the goal of this game is to escape, to live, to be happy once and for all. Yet, this game is hard to beat. No one is fucking listening to me. No one ever has. I feel alone, and no one gets that. No one fucking cares. It bothers me you people can have sex with your girlfriend at work, your coworkers, your friends, paty and have fun and socialize and be considered a human of that certain group. Yet no one wants anything to do with me every, they all, everyone surprisngly, want proof, want fucking proof, want all my documents and shit, bet, fucking bet I’m right on all this, everyone in my life, distances themselves from me, no one loves me, no one did, no one had, all of them. I’m fucking serious on this shit. Something is wrong with my soul and they can sense it. I want to cry scream and k*ll myself, waking up is truamatizing. And all you people do for 20 hours is ignore, block me and laugh at me, no one voice chats with me, no girl says “hey ill meet you” and not fucking lie to me, no one gives a fucking CHANCE. THEY JUST FUCK WITH M UNTIL I AM UREPARIARABLE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to die, I want to eat myself to death and no one give a fuck man. No one fucking loves me man. No one man. My birthday is in 2 days. I can’t handle this shit anymore. People don’t want me, be it pity garnering, lies, tricks, deception, nothing can keep a human around me to love me, it’s me I’m the fucking problem and I want to die, there is no fix to this shit and I want to fucking k*ll myself, I’ll never win any girl over and never am, I want this shit to fucking end. I’m just trying to gain attention again. Fucking laugh at me more please, have sex with eachother, brag to me, make me feel like I wish I was you, make me feel like I hate myself as much as you hate me. All of you. You’re all fucking great. Thanks for doing this. Thanks. I promise. I’ll do it. I’ll end my existence. I hope you feel some guilt in the end. But I bet my life, no girl, in the after life, now, and never no human wants me. I am not one of yall. I wish you could feel the pain I’d inflict onto myself and you. It feels like someone is taking a blowtoruch to my heart man. I’m hurting so fucking bad. No one loves me no one cared. I’ll be here tomorrow. 9/5 I’ll be here the next day, I’ve been here since 2016, this is never going to change. It’s never going to fucking change man. NO ONE FUCKING LOVES ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Looking for girlfriend near maryland to meet up with in real life and hang out. Voice chat on Skype or I’m deleting your DM. No replies.