Ya like Sex Havers? \[you are too inebriated to resist my (Patrick Bateman) charm\] Their early work was a little too blunt for my taste but when DEVOID came out in ’21, I think they really came into their own, comedically and artistically. \[I (Patrick Bateman) stride into the bathroom to take my medication and pick up my raincoat\]

The whole album has a clear crisp new sound and a constant feeling of progression that really gives the songs a big boost. \[I (Patrick Bateman) moonwalk back out of the bathroom holding something large behind my back just outside your view\] They’ve been compared to Lil Float, but I think Sex Havers has a much more queer and countercultural set of views. \[you look back and question my choice of home decoration (plastic-wrapped furniture and newspaper carpeting) and I (Patrick Bateman) dismiss you like you are a nagging child\]

In ’22, Sex Havers released this \[TERRIYAKI DRIP / SCAM BIBLE begins playing, you try to protest but I (Patrick Bateman) keep talking and you are too inebriated to prevent me\], THE THIRD WEED APPARATUS: THE LINEAGE CONTINUES, their most accomplished album.

I think their undisputed masterpiece is \[I start doing a fun little dance\] TERRIYAKI DRIP / SCAM BIBLE, a song so loud and obnoxious that most people probably don’t listen to the lyrics, but they should, \[I pick something up off of the ground behind you and continue\] because it’s not just a loud purposefully bad song about sex and violence. It also captures the essence of everything the band made before and their post-consumerist artistic views, it’s also an ironic and shockingly nuanced statement about the views of the band itself. \[and then I (Patrick Batemen from American Psycho) fucking murder you with my really really big gun\]