Tifu So to set the scene, my s/o and I are having a lazy day after the new years festivities. We’ve been laying in bed all day fried, and she suddenly decides she wants a chocolate creampie. So naturally the puns were flowing all the way to the store and back. We ate like half the pie and the jokes started to lead into intimacy. Cut to I’m butt ass naked and she gives me a playful push onto the bed, and my ass landed right in the creampie. I never took it off my bed. So now I’m just laying on my belly, frantically trying to clean pie creme out of my ass crack. after all afternoon of making creampie jokes, I didn’t know that i would be the one to get creamed lol. It was hilarious, but that out an end to that for the evening. I gotta post it on here because it’s a little TMI to share with my friends or roommates. The new year is really bringing something new.

Tldr: while making sexy time and joking about creampies, while eating a creampie, I accidentally sat on it and creampied my bare ass