The weathew beaten twaiw wound ahead into the dust wacked cwimes of the bawen wand which dominyates wawge powtions of the Nyowgowian empiwe. Age wown hoof pwints smothewed by the sifting sands of time shonye duwwy against the dust spwattewed cwust of eawth. The tiwewess sun cast its pawching ways of incandescense fwom uvwhead, hawf way thwough its daiwy wevowution. Smaww wodents scampewed about, occupying themsewves in the daiwy accompwishments of theiw dismaw wives. Dust spwayed uvw thwee heaving mounts in bwinding cwouds, whiwe they bowe the buwdonsome cawgoes of theiw stwuggwing uvwseews.

“Pwepawe to embwace youw cweatows in the stygian haunts of heww, bawbawian”, gasped the fiwst sowdiew.

“Onwy aftew you have kissed the fweeting stead of death, wwetch UwU ” wetuwnyed Gwignw.

A sweeping bwade of fwashing steew wiveted fwom the massive bawbawians hide enyamewed shiewd as his wippwing wight awm thwust fowth, sending a steew shod bwade to the hiwt into the sowdiews vitaw owgans. The disembowewed mewcenyawy cwumpwed fwom his saddwe and sank to the cwouded swawd, spwinkwing the pawched dust with cwimson dwopwets of escaping wife fwuid.

The enthused bawbawian swiwvewed about, his shock of fiewy wed haiw tossing wobustwy in the humid aiw cuwwents as he faced the attack of the defeated sowdiew’s fewwow in awms.

“Damn you, bawbawian” Shwieked the sowdiew as he obsewved his comwade in death.

A gweaming scimitaw smote a heavy bwow against the wenyegade’s spiked hewmet, bwinging a heavy cwoud uvw the Ecowdian’s misting bwain. Shaking off the effects of the pounding bwow to his head, Gwignw bwought down his scawwet stweaked edge against the sowdiew’s cwudewy fowged haubewk, cwanging hawmwesswy to the weft side of his opponyent. The sowdiew’s stead whinnyied as he diwected the howse back fwom the dwiving bwade of the bawbawian. Gwignw weashed his mount fowwawd as the hoawsewy piewcing battwe cwy of his wiwdewnyess bwed wace wesounded fwom his gwinding wungs. A twiwwing bwade bounced hawmwesswy fwom the mighty thief’s buckwew as his wowwing wight awm cweft upwawd, sending a foot of bwinding steew wipping thwough the Simawian’s exposed guwwet. A gasping guwgwe fwom the sowdiew’s wwithing mouth as he tumbwed to the gowden sand at his feet, and wowmed agonyizingwy in his death bed.

Gwignw’s emewawd gween owbs gwawed wustfuwwy at the wawwowing sowdiew stwuggwing befowe his chestnyut swiwwed mount. His scowwing voice wevewbewated uvw the dying fowm in a tonye of mocking miwth. “You city bwed dogs shouwd weawn nyot to antagonyize youw bettew.” Weinying his weawy mount ahead, gwignw wesumed his jouwnyey to the Nyowegowian city of Gowzam, hoping to discuvw winye, women, and adventuwe to boiw the wiwd bwood coawsing thwough his savage veins.

The twek to Gowzom was fowced upon Gwignw when the sowdiews of Cwin wewe weashed upon him by a faithwess concubinye he had wooed. His scandawous activities thwoughout the Simawian city had unweashed thwongs of havoc and upwoaw among it’s wefinyed patwicians, weading them to tack a heavy wewawd uvw his head.

He had bawewy manyaged to escape thwough the back entwance of the inn he had been guzzwing in, as a squad of sowdiews tounced upon him. Aftew spiwwing a spout of bwood fwom the weadew of the mewcenyawies as he dismembewed onye of the officew’s awms, he wetweated to his mount to make his way towawds Gowzom, wumouwed to contain hoawds of pwundew, and many young wenches fow any man who has the backbonye to west them away.