Allow me to elaborate upon my viewpoint.

I am of African descent, a fact which I greatly lament due to the disadvantage it puts me at in the world at present. The general attitudes towards those of my ilk and subsequently myself are usually negative. Ignorant, dumb, savage, and inferior; these are the feelings that many of the world hold towards those of my stock. The world right now is excessively Eurocentric in many aspects: beauty standards, culture and religion are just some of them. The African and those who are of such blood are usually scene as heavily undesirable.

Having to live in a world where you are seen as lesser than your counterparts in several aspects is rather disheartening. It remains an evident fact that this is simply the way the world will be for many years. Until some black nation should come about and rise to prominence, the general world view towards them will remain as it is.

In truth, I blame Western European powers for the fact that I should have to live like this, with such negative connotations to my so called race, a concept that they invented to establish their superiority. Yes, it is true that no man in the present day is responsible for what their ancestors did so long ago, yet we must all live with the weight of their actions for better or for worse; and in my case it is the latter. In my eyes, the whites of today may not condone the actions of their predecessors, at least most of them don’t, yet they benefit off of their actions non the less. It is not fair at all they should have to pay for the errors of their ancestors, but the world was never fair to begin with.

Now I know some may come forward with the claim that as they are of Slavic descent or some other European ancestry where their forefathers never left their homes and went and oppressed anyone, and that would be true. Yet still, they benefit from the actions of those who did. They may not have intended for it to be so, but it is so. They possess the virtue of being white, and it comes with them wherever they may go; as my ‘blackness’ should come with me wherever I should go.

Now I know that being a Caucasian does not automatically make one’s life a bed of roses, a man who is born poor with only his whiteness as a privilege may not reach very far in life, and may die as destitute as he was born. I say that being white drastically improves the possibility of one having affluence and privilege, as so much of the world’s money is owned by a select few, the majority of whom are of European stock. In my eyes being born middle class in the suburbs is affluence, for when compared to the possibility of being born in some slum like Lagos, it is exponentially better relatively speaking.

The whites should have completely eliminated the blacks that they had once colonized when they had the opportunity, to prevent the chances of their ancestors seeking any form of retribution. To this day, many blacks still deeply resent their white counterparts, as the prejudices they face due to the lingering effects of slavery and colonialism are troublesome to deal with.

In Tulsa, Oklahoma there was once a state sponsored purging of black wealth. There was no moral outrage from whites at the time, as the blacks were still seen as sub-human. This shows that once upon a time it would have been possible to purge blacks with neither legal nor moral repercussions. Had it not been for the whites’ need to feel superior to someone, they should never have kept blacks around. Now they have a people who are bitter for the hardships that their ancestors had to endure, and the partial burden that they themselves must face as well.

I truly believe that I should actively seek out the disestablishment of the white Western powers. They should be economically weakened by creating a resource intensive war that drains them financially. Then, when they are still recovering, they should yet again be tossed into another war that they cannot avoid. And so it must be, embroil them in endless conflicts until they ultimately collapse in exhaustion, and can no longer support themselves financially, militarily or by any other means. There are other ways, but that’s just the one I have in mind right now.

It is easy to say forgive and forget when you aren’t the one whose been transgressed against. It’s like the rich telling the poor to be satisfied in poverty while they hoard more wealth. Performing injustices and then telling the wronged that vengeance isn’t the answer only serves to keep the unjust from having retribution taken against them.

Truth be told, I don’t like Africa or Africans for that matter. In my eyes, they are a weak people who allowed themselves to be conquered by their superiors. I have a similar dislike for African Americans. When I saw the hype surrounding black panther, it sickened me. Imagine that, a people so hopelessly and comically weak that a fictional movie was there only hope for a successful nation. The fact that I was even associated with that, simply due to my skin color made my stomach churn.

The fact that I should have to live life while being perceived as inferior is in part a consequence of their own weakness and their inability to escape an endless cycle of poverty.

Why should I live my life hoping that my situation improves, when I can make it improve through ending the European powers and their ancestors who benefit from their former conquests(whites)? Africa may never become fully developed in my life or even in my grandchildren’s lives, perhaps if I were somehow able to achieve the highly improbable task of bringing the Western powers to defeat; I could finally bring Africa to affluence, and cast away the negative connotations that come with my so called, ‘race’.

\*\*TL;DR, I should try to eliminate all Western powers and white people as a whole for their transgressions against me.\*\*