Instagram is clearly designed for children, women, the mentally incapacitated, the weak willed, gypsies, homosexuals and other undesirables. Whereas Reddit is the last bastion of moral strength left in our degenerate society. Comparing Instagram to Reddit, is like comparing chimpanzees screeching wildly as they throw shit at a wall, to a symphony written by translating the chess moves in ‘Kasparov vs Topalov’ into music. There is no comparison. To be honest, Reddit would be the foundation of my ideal society, with the most followed redditor becoming the leader of the nation, as the mixture of intelligence, wit and strategic thinking needed to be successful on Reddit would mean they could easily lead any country into prosperity. Instagram would be ok for kids, but once they reach their thirteenth birthday they would have to delete the app and would be told “you’re man now, learn to shitpost”.