I used to be a Maddow-watching soyboy, espousing whatever views my girlfriend held because I was afraid to lose her by disagreeing with her. I defended the minorities, the underprivileged, and the weak from behind a keyboard on twitter, so that I could feel better about myself, a hero-complex, with complete lack of power or consequence on the world around me. My perceived moral superiority was my only source of strength. So cringey.

Then I did a complete 180. I hit the gym, ate healthy, got a new job, and respected myself. I read books and developed my own sense character and morality apart from the mere virtue signalling and group think I had been a part of. I broke up with my girlfriend, who I had let completely stifle my personal growth. I started making good money, winning the challenges of each day, and in turn became a capitalist as I experienced and understood the value of a merit based society. I felt I had control of each day and of my life, and gained the perspective of a productive, successful adult, instead of the perpetual victimhood I had subscribed to before, mostly due to living in the real world instead of on YouTube and reddit