# AITA for being honest on a first date?

I matched with this girl on tinder a few weeks ago and we have been messaging a lot and finally yesterday we were able to meet up for the first time.

It was going really well, I’d made us up a picnic and brought a few drinks to have in the sun. I have a bit let down when I met in person as in her photos she was easily between a 7.5 and 8 out of 10 but in reality she was a fairly average looking 6/10. Her personality was winning me over though so I thought I could get through until she mentioned her niece and showed me a photo.

I don’t want to come across as crass but this was not a child that was easy on the eye by any stretch of the imagination. Easily in the top 3 ugliest children I have ever laid eyes on. I thought it was a stitch up like she’d gotten some photo off google images or something so when she showed me I started laughing and asked her to stop putting me off my food. I could tell from her reaction that it wasn’t a joke so I tried to change the subject but she kept pressing me on what I meant. I decided to just be truthful and said that her nieces looks really disgusted me. She went quiet for a minute then started to pack up her stuff which pissed me off as I’d put a lot of effort into the picnic. To try to save the date I asked to see the photo again and said something along the lines of, ‘I didn’t get a proper look the first time, she doesn’t look that bad’. This seemed to placate her a little bit and we started chatting again and things seemed to be progressing nicely until about 45 minutes later she seen a message pop up on my phone from my friend saying ‘seriously how ugly can a kid be that you can’t finish your lunch!?! LOL’ and she completely flipped out, called me a faggot and hurried off.