Before you “ok boomer” me, maybe you should consider, if you worked half as hard as I do every day, you wouldn’t live in poverty. I work sixteen-hour days, seven days a week, every week of the year. I work on Thanksgiving, Christmas and the 4th of July. I’ve never taken a minute’s vacation, paid or unpaid. I haven’t taken a sick day since Gerald Ford, and it was because I was drafted for ‘Nam and I had convince the navy recruiter that I had multiple personalities and my mother and father died on the same day. I work hard to feed my ex-wife’s wallet once a month to pay for my grown children who resent me. When I come home from work at 9:30 at night and I want to unwind, I hit the bottle and I hit it with all my God-given might and I awake in a pool of my own excrement in my one-room condo with no utilities. I commute four hours both ways and I sleep only twenty minutes in every twenty-four hour period and I do it at my desk at work. So get a clue, snowflake.