You could have been anywhere else!
Anywhere in the world!
You could be living in the Mountains!
You could have been climbing The Empire State Building!
You could be living in space after training from NASA!
But you chose to be here!
There are so many other places you could have gone!
So many things you could have done!
So many things you should accomplish!
But no!
You decided that out of the whole world you needed to be here!
And I hate you for this!
Everyone else here hates you for this!
Nobody but you wants you to be here!
You are the only one who is happy that you are here!
You could go to college!
Move to a jungle!
Become a damn assassin!
Anywhere else and any time!
But you are here!
Of all the places to dump your shenanigans!
You wanted to ruin everything for everyone in here!
And now you have!
And there’s nothing we can do to change it!
You could be perfect!
You would be perfect!
That is just not here!
You are cool anywhere but here!
There’s nothing wrong with you except one thing!
You are here!
You need to be somewhere else!
But you are here!
You would be A-ok if you weren’t!
But you are here!
Is it because you feel insecure and need our attention!
Or because you feel bad and want everyone else to!
You are here!
This needs to end!
This needs to stop!
This needs to change!
This needs to die!
Just leave!
Be anywhere else!