↑h←t the fuck →i→ you ju↓t fucking ↓←y ←bout me, you little bitch? I’ll h←ve you kno↑ I gr←→u←te→ top of my cl←↓↓ in the N←vy ↓e←l↓, ←n→ I’ve been involve→ in numerou↓ ↓ecret r←i→↓ on ←l-Qu←e→←, ←n→ I h←ve over 300 confirme→ kill↓. I ←m tr←ine→ in gorill← ↑←rf←re ←n→ I’m the top ↓niper in the entire U↓ ←rme→ force↓. You ←re nothing to me but ju↓t ←nother t←rget. I ↑ill ↑ipe you the fuck out ↑ith preci↓ion the like↓ of ↑hich h←↓ never been ↓een before on thi↓ E←rth, m←rk my fucking ↑or→↓. You think you c←n get ←↑←y ↑ith ↓←ying th←t ↓hit to me over the Internet? Think ←g←in, fucker. ←↓ ↑e ↓pe←k I ←m cont←cting my ↓ecret net↑ork of ↓pie↓ ←cro↓↓ the U↓← ←n→ your IP i↓ being tr←ce→ right no↑ ↓o you better prep←re for the ↓torm, m←ggot. The ↓torm th←t ↑ipe↓ out the p←thetic little thing you c←ll your life. You’re fucking →e←→, ki→. I c←n be ←ny↑here, ←nytime, ←n→ I c←n kill you in over ↓even hun→re→ ↑←y↓, ←n→ th←t’↓ ju↓t ↑ith my b←re h←n→↓. Not only ←m I exten↓ively tr←ine→ in un←rme→ comb←t, but I h←ve ←cce↓↓ to the entire ←r↓en←l of the Unite→ ↓t←te↓ M←rine Corp↓ ←n→ I ↑ill u↓e it to it↓ full extent to ↑ipe your mi↓er←ble ←↓↓ off the f←ce of the continent, you little ↓hit. If only you coul→ h←ve kno↑n ↑h←t unholy retribution your little “clever” comment ↑←↓ ←bout to bring →o↑n upon you, m←ybe you ↑oul→ h←ve hel→ your fucking tongue. But you coul→n’t, you →i→n’t, ←n→ no↑ you’re p←ying the price, you go→→←mn i→iot. I ↑ill ↓hit fury ←ll over you ←n→ you ↑ill →ro↑n in it. You’re fucking →e←→, ki→→o.