It irritates me to see something so moronic to reach top 5 trending on YouTube. It makes no sense.

Epic Rap Battles. They’re bastardized versions of characters spouting the cringiest bars imaginable. Half the time, they’re just historically relevant figures stating what they’ve done, while moving around like spastic cartoons. There’s no reason anybody should be watching these videos, unless they have a 4th grade history test tomorrow, and can only ingest information through utterly dismal rhymes. These types of videos don’t add anything valuable anywhere. They have no cultural motivation. They don’t make bold claims beyond *the best scientist lol xd*. They have the engagement levels of two old men shouting at each other about how they’re better. They have the artistic merit of the Wikipedia article on the light bulb.

Besides those, Death Battles with game/cartoon characters also seem to gather millions of views, despite being heavily biased, slopily animated, dime-a-dozen spectacles. Instead of two middle aged men with dollar store costumes reciting verbal cringe, you get to witness the struggle between several open source models fight. I could understand if these types of videos were more popular, since they’re more engaging and spectacular, but they’re so lazily made in comparison. They start every video with an unnecessary 40 hour introduction of each character, where they