ive come to make an announcement👂 shadow⚫ the hedgehog🦔 is a bitchass motherfucker 😡😡 he pissed 💦 on my fucking wife👩that’s right👂 he took his hedgehog 🦔 fucking quilly dick🍆 out and he said🗣️ his dick🍆 was THIS BIG😩✋🏼 and I said🗣️ that’s disgusting 🤢🤢 so I’m making a callout📞 post on my Twitter.com🐦 shadow⚫ the hedgehog 🦔 you got a small dick:pinching_hand: 🍆 it’s the size of this walnut🌰 except WAY smaller and guess what🤷🏻‍♂️ here’s what my dong 🍆 looks like that’s right baby all points no quills no pillows 👂😡 look at that it looks like two✌️ balls and a bong he fucked my wife 👩 so guess what I’m gonna fuck the earth🌍 that’s right👂 this is what you get MY SUPER LASER PISS💦😩 except I’m not just gonna piss on the earth🌍💦 I’m gonna go higher🙏 IM PISSING 💦 ON THE MOON🌙 HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT OBAMA👨🏿 I PISSED ON THE MOON🌙💦😩 YOU IDIOT you have 23 hours🕜🕜 before the piss DROPPPLETTTSSSSS💦 hit the fucking earth🌍 now get out of my sight 👁️ before I piss💦on you too!