pretty fucking stupid advice though even for a joke, whats the moral? that big titties and small titties are equal by virtue that they’re both titties? i mean i understand that you might value certain pairs of titties over others, but at that point why even ask if smaller or bigger titties are better? if your sage advice is “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” thats a pretty generic piece of sage advice. all i can say is that this man really didnt think before he posted. this shit is absolutely insane. i mean, can you maybe think for a second that you may benefit from making an actual salient point with thought behind it? if i were to ask somebody whether somebody thinks big titties or small titties were better and he/she said “well, everybodys got their own opinion! :)” id shit his ass to the floor. thats the most limp dick non opinion ive ever heard in my damn life