1. i have a civil engineering joke, but its still under construction
2. i have an economics joke but its not in demand
3. i have a statistics joke, but its not significant
4. i have a geography joke, but i dont know where it is
5. i have a bunch of game dev jokes but i havent finished any of them yet
6. i have a theoretical joke, but its practically speaking not that funny
7. i have a musician joke, but no one will listen
8. i have a history joke, but i cant remember it
9. i have a biology joke, but its really hard to cell
10. I got a joke about applying for a new job, but it requires 18 years of experience to tell it
11. I have a dad joke, but I don’t have kids
12. I have a joke about a recursive function, but I but I but I but I…
13. I have an anime joke, but it’s really drawn out.
14. I have some hacking jokes, just click this link.