His family was impoverished because of him.

Sometime before the age of 60 he gets into bed and never gets out again. Refuses to work. Expects Charlie’s mum to work 16 hour days doing people’s laundry for a pittance, and then come home and look after him, changing his bed pan, wiping his arse, etc. Even Charlie, a little boy, had to go out to work to support him. Meanwhile he’s lying in bed smoking a tobacco pipe and contributing nothing. Sure, you might think that he’s old and weak and no longer able to work. But what the fuck happens the day Charlie wins a Golden Ticket? Cunt jumps out of bed and starts fucking tap dancing and singing that HE has a golden ticket. No, fuckturd, Charlie has a golden ticket, but you somehow just expect to be taken along as his chaperone despite having spent the last 20 years apparently bed ridden from old age and weakness. You can tap dance and go on tours of chocolate factories but you can’t help Charlie’s mum with a bit of housework or go to work and help lift the family out of poverty? Then when he does go to the chocolate factory with Charlie he convinces Charlie to steal the fizzy drink, despite Charlie’s protests that it is wrong and despite having seen what happens to the other kids who do what Wonka told them not to. And then Charlie nearly dies by getting sucked into the fan. Some fucking chaperone. Really responsible. And let’s not forget that this guy who convinced his family that he was an invalid and scrounged off their hard work for 20 years was doing freaking summersaults after drinking the fizzy lifting drink. What the fuck Grandpa Joe? Of course this leads to Charlie being disqualified from winning the chocolate factory. Completely reasonable since they had been explicitly told not to drink it. And Grandpa Joe starts screaming and ranting at Willy Wonka, calling him names and demanding that Wonka give him a lifetimes supply of chocolate. He then tells Charlie to sell the everlasting gobstopper to Slugworth, again showing his complete lack of a moral compass. Charlie by this stage has woken up to Grandpa Joe’s overall cuntishness and does the right thing, giving Willy Wonka the gobstopper back. This is the only reason why Charlie got the factory. If he had listened to Grandpa Joe he would have remained impoverished for ever, doomed to spend the rest of his life waiting hand and foot on this old piece of shit who you can absolutely guarantee would crawl right back into bed and remain there for the rest of his shitty life, expecting everyone to do everything for him while doing nothing to help them or make their life easier in any way.