How ⁉️can 🚫🚫 i 😫😫 possibly refuse❌❌ when🕦🕖🕢 Veruca👸👸 says🗣️🗣️ “MORE!🤑🤑” I buy💵💸💸 another➕ store 🏧💰and ➕➕when🕛🕧🕐 Veruca👸 says🗣️🗣️”NOW!⌚⌚⌛” The sweat 💦💦forms on▶️▶️ my 😌😌😌brow and➕ when🕢🕡🕣 Veruca 👸says🗣️🗣️ “AGAIN!🔄🔄☑️” No ❌❌matter where🇨🇦🇦🇴🇦🇨 or when ⏱️🕤🕗we😣😟😲 better ✅✅all🔄🔄 count 0️⃣1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣out ➡️➡️”MORE🤑, NOW⌛, AGAIN!🔄” When 🕓🕡🕞Veruca👸👸 says 🗣️🗣️”OUT!🚫🚫” There’s ❌❌no❌❌ resonable ❕doubt❔❔ and➕➕ when🕔🕞🕡 Veruca 👸👸says🗣️🗣️ “FETCH!🖐️🖐️” Well ⛲⛲there’s❌❌ no❌❌ time⏰⏰ to2️⃣2️⃣ go ⤴️ ➕➕fetch 🖐️🖐️and➕➕ when 🕥🕣🕑Veruca👸 says 🗣️🗣️”OBEY!☠️☠️” You👉👉 better☑️☑️ find 🔍🔍a 🅰️🅰️way↖️↩️↗️ to 2️⃣make➿➿ a 🅰️🅰️dollar💰💳💵 stretch 🔁🔀↔️for 4️⃣”OUT🚫, FETCH🖐️, OBEY!☠️” Now❗ when 🕒🕡🕕 she♀️♀️ heard 🔊🔊of Wonka’s prize👑💡💰 she ♀️♀️started▶️▶️ to2️⃣2️⃣ attack👊👊 so I👨 told 📣📣my🙇🙇 peanut 🥜🥜shellers 🥜🥜here’s a 🅰️🅰️tougher 🤜🤜nut🥜🥜 to 2️⃣2️⃣crack ✴️✴️you👈👈 each a🅰️🅰️ thousand 💯💯Wonka bars🍫🍫, start shelling🥜🥜 them🚻🚻 at once1️⃣1️⃣ for 4️⃣4️⃣When 🕣🕖🕡Veruca’s👸👸 happy😀😀 its much🎉🎉 better🎀🎀 for4️⃣ her 👸pappy 👨👨for 4️⃣fourty 4️⃣0️⃣days☀️☀️ and➕ fourty4️⃣0️⃣ nights🌙🌙 the ladies 💃💃tried to2️⃣ pick👌👌 it and ➕➕always➿➿ to2️⃣ the music🎵🎶 of “I👸 want 👐a 🅰️golden🏆🏆 ticket🎟️🎟️, I👸 WANT👐 A🅰️ GOLDEN 🏆🏆TICKET!🎟️🎟️🎟️” And➕ then a 🅰️🅰️girl♀️♀️ cried 😭😭out 📣📣and➕ in ⬅️⬅️her 🙋🙋hand👋👋 a 🅰️penesier a🅰️ golden🏆🏆 ticket🎟️🎟️ on ▶️▶️display 📱📱and ➕➕what ❔did “sweet🎂” Veruca👸 say📣📣? “Daddy?👨‍👧” Yes?☑️ “Buy 💰💰me👸 North Korea!🇰🇵🇰🇵” Ugggh 😣😣when 🕟🕣🕖Veruca 👸👸says📣📣 “BUY!💰💰” It’s like❤️❤️ a 🅰️battle 👊👊cry 💦💦and➕➕ when🕒🕞🕗 Veruca 👸👸says📣📣 “MINE!✊✊” Its chilling ❄️❄️for 4️⃣the spine🚶🚶 and ➕➕IF Veruca 👸👸said “PLEASE🤗🤗!” I’d know💭💭 it was⌛⌛ a tease😋😋 before⏮️⏮️ her👸 “MORE🤑, NOW⌛⌛, OUT🚫, BUY💰, FETCH🖐️, MINE✊✊!!!” And➕➕ when🕔🕟🕡 she👸 finally‼️ goes⏩ to2️⃣ sleep💤💤 we👯👬👫 pray🙏🙏 and ➕➕say 🗣️🗣️amen 🛐🛐until ➖tomorrow🌄🌄 when⏳⏳ it all 🔀🔀begins▶️▶️ “AGAIN🔄🔄!!”